Progress Report

August 31st, 2005

Progress and Agenda - Overview

Experiments - Recapitulation

Random Knot-Point Placement

Random Placements in Warps - #1

A colour-coded directions figure, which reflects on movement of points

Random Placements in Warps - #2

Yet another figure showing the direction of the perturbation applied at any given point

Generalisation Sensitivity

Specificity Sensitivity

For various number of modes, sensitivity of Specificity is shown

Generalisation Sensitivity

For various number of modes, sensitivity of Generalisation is shown

Overlap Measures - Progress

Specificity/Generalisation Measures - Early Progress

Evaluation Dip

Earlier Evaluation Steps

Earlier Evaluation Steps - Ctd.

Specificity Evaluated

Specificity - shuffle distance 5x5, 15 modes

Generalisability Evaluated

Generalisation - shuffle distance 5x5, 15 modes

The Subsequent Step - Shuffles Compared

Shuffle Distances Compared - Specificity

Various shuffle distances and corresponding evaluations of Specificity

Shuffle Distances Compared - Generalisability

Various shuffle distances and corresponding evaluations of Generalisation

Shuffles Compared - Summary & Conclusions

Shuffles Compared - Ctd.

Finer-level Technicalities

Finer-level Technicalities - Ctd.

Overlap - Initial Results

Dice Overlap

Dice overlap decreases as registration is degraded (numbers need reversal)

Tanimoto Overlap

Tanimoto overlap decreases as registration is degraded (numbers need reversal)

Overlap - Further Explanation

Overlap and Specificity

The correlation between Specificity and overlap across labels

Corrected Overlap Figure

Corrected curve for Tanimoto overlap - overlap going downwards as registration degrades

Registration Assessment: Monotonic Increase in Specificity

Towards Thesis

Thesis Planning

Thesis - Possible Structure

Thesis - Possible Structure - Ctd.

Thesis Planning - Videos

Future Directions