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Re: PalmOS vs. WinCE vs. Linux?

  • Subject: Re: PalmOS vs. WinCE vs. Linux?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 03:44:57 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.sys.palmtops
  • References: <ncKdnUFdAZP_XMvfRVn-1w@comcast.com> <pan.2005.> <4256fdff$1@e-post.inode.at> <jYydnZm88e2nh8rfRVn-sw@comcast.com>
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
Ranma schrieb:

>>WinCE is slow, power hungry and has poor PDA apps.
>>Unfortunately, Linux on a PDA is the same.

Martin Brunner:

> I guess that on linux half of the things don't work like they should.
> Another point for Palm is the synchronisation. I don't want to use
> Outlook and so the Palm Desktop is a fine and quick Programm for editing
> the data of my palm on the computer.
> But there are two systems left you did not mention: Symbian OS and
> Blackberry. I only saw Symbian on a Motorola A925. Really horrible to
> synchronize.


> The Blackberry didn't really impress me that much.  I like the device, but
> not the software suite.  I won't call it an OS because I don't know that
> you can add apps the same way you could with Palm and WinCE.
> I'm still on a mission to find the right device and platform!   =-)

I suggest that you wait for the next 'wave' of Palm handhelds to come out.
As for synchronising Outlook, you can do that perfectly well with Palm OS.
In fact, Palm also supports other mail applications like Thunderbird. If
you use Linux on a desktop machine, remember that the Palm will be
compatible with it, whereas a PPC won't.

Do not choose a PDA because of Flash. Choose what works, what is reliable,
and what is open enough to allow you to migrate between platforms and
applications. Don't get yourself in a data lock-in situation.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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