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Re: Nice perl script to determine pagerank

Ignoramus26253 wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 04:41:30 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>> John Bokma wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Ignoramus31514 wrote:
>>>>> when configuring cpan, you entered "yes" in some wrong place:)
>>>>> You see, there are so many useful perl modules, that being able to
>>>>> load then via cpan is quite useful and it is portable.
>>>>> Since my own site uses a gazillion of 3rd party perl modules, I
>>>>> already have all that machinery in place.
>>>> Yes, I soon realised it. I was doing everything in haste. What worries
>>>> me is that it becomes non-trivial to install. If I wanted to send the
>>>> script to a colleague, it wouldn't take just seconds. I'll give it
>>>> another go though.
>>> You have three options:
>>> 1) install the module in a local directory
>>> 2) copy the module to your local directory (for each word in front of
>>>    a :: a subdirectory has to be made, e.g. if the module is:
>>>     foo::bar::baz
>>>     you copy baz.pm in ./foo/bar
>>> 3) use PAR to make an exe which contains perl.exe, the script, and the
>>>    modules.
>> Shortly after that last message of mine, I installed the module manually
>> and even wrote about it:
>> http://www.schestowitz.com/Software/Google_Cron/
>> I hope you don't mind it. I acknowledged where necessary.
> Great! Can you acknowledge me as
> Igor Chudov from <A HREF=http://www.algebra.com/>Algebra Homework Help
> (algebra.com)</A>
> i

I was going to explicitly ask you for that. No problem, mate.


Roy S. Schestowitz

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