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Re: /.'d

__/ [kyra] on Tuesday 30 August 2005 16:06 \__

> ...
> Thanks :)
> I was sooo tickled with excitement! Looking at the ysql log (ive got the
> log dumping to mysql) it looks like I got about 4066 page views on that
> page yesterday referred from ./ and about 500 so far today. Its not
> much.. but I have only had that server up for a couple of weeks and that
> domain too. usually it is aleeya.net that gets all the traffic.
> Needless to say I was surprised!

For the better or for the worse? I suspect that people lie when they say
that they received 50,000 referrals or even 20,000. Your post was very
popular, highly commented, and must have appealed to many readers because
it was broad and general. CmdrTaco once spoke of a quarter of a million
readers, I think, but many must be skimping or just have a dormant Slashdot

Either way, you did well.


Roy S. Schestowitz        $> sudo root; cd /; rm -rf *.doc

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