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Re: Newbie attempts SuSe 9.3: Can't Get Sound!

__/ [Obi Wan Shinobi] on Thursday 03 November 2005 18:48 \__

> Hi there,
> I have been using Linux for 2 days now but have been very troubled by a
> number of problems, the first of which is an inability to get sound
> from my system.
> I have an AMD64 HP nx9105 laptop with an nforce3 motherboard (running
> dual boot 32bit SuSe with XP). Examining susplugger I can see
> Hewlett-Packard Company nForce3 Audio. I click on details > driver and
> it tells me that the snd-intel8x0 driver is active. It also says
> i810_audio is inactive and I should use the modprobe cmd to activate
> it, which I do to no apparent success. When I reboot it resets to how
> it was before I issued the command.
> Under the configure option (which takes me to YaST) it tells me the
> card is running. One thing I have noticed is that in SuSe the card has
> an IRQ of 11 while in XP it's occupying 21.. I know i'm probably a
> victim of my ignorance, so could someone please enlighten me?
> Many thanks in advance.

When I moved to SuSE 2 years ago, a similar 'problem' arose. I connected my
headphones or speakers to the back of the case and directly into the sound
card. One might imagine this will be fine, but on the Dell machines there is
a hidden output on the front panel, which is hard to open.

Having gone through that first peril, I later discovered that there was an
issue with the mixer. Find under YaST2 something that is associated with
audio (e.g. in KDE 3.1: Sound and Multimedia -> Sound System). Try disabling
the aRTs soundserver or have a play with these settings that are at software
(O/S-level) and further away from the hardware.

Best of luck,


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