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Re: Graffiti and Linux PDA's

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
__/ [Karel "de Jazz" Jansens] on Monday 17 October 2005 17:55 \__

Maybe because Debian is a rock-solid distro? If you're going to put
Linux in a PDA, you're not looking for last-second gizmos, right? You
want something that needs rebooting approximately once every decade.

I know the feeling, but there are many other distros out there which are quite solid. The Debian community affiliated with a business PDA just does sit right IMHO. If you were to use SuSE, for instance, being a Novell-affiliated distro (licensing issues?), I think you would be better off.

The Open Source Community (or the subsetthereof that is maemo.org) appears to disagree: they are contributing their *sses off to this commercial project. :)

Then again, I run two Ubuntu (Debian codebase), so I shouldn't complain.

That is, of course, for many people the downside of Free: You really cannot complain. :)

(well, you can, obviously, but noone is obliged to listen) :D

Writing is somewhat of an antiquated method for input, which we have either
been led to take for granted or is also perceived as a selling point, for
new users in particular (less technologically inclined, that is).
I think there are still big steps to be made because even handwritten text
upon paper (higher tolerance) can never be as fast as input using keyboard
by a skilled and experienced typist. With Dvorak layout, that speed if even
further improved. How we can take advantage of the fact that we have 10
fingers and incorporate it into miniscule PDA's input, I don't know yet.
That alone might be a million dollar idea, but would involve a learning

Here I have to disagree: I do a lot of writing and although i agree that the speed of input of a (trained) typist is indeed very high, there is something about actually writing with a pen that makes the whole process different from typing.

I seem to be a lot more creative on my Newton or my Fujitsu than behind a keyboard; there is a sense of involvement that I just don't get by hammering away at plastic keys. So, although the mileage of HWR input is lower, its productivity (as in: text that doesn't get deleted) is a lot higher. :)

Also, it is the most compact form of (useable) text input that we have today: you just need the pen and no extra realestate outside the screen of your computer/PDA. The paradox is that, while I like the Nokia 770, my old Newton Messagepad 2100 really has the ideal footprint and form factor for a handheld, HWR-input PDA. Unfortunately, it's just too big to keep on your person.

What I really think someone should invent, is an A6-sized PDA (like the Nokia 770) that folds open to a seamless A5-sized screen (like the newton. As to how, well I can't do everything, right?

Indeed. The only Deterrent, to me at least, is still the size. I can't
imagine ever taking it into the gym or pull it our of a shirt's pocket in
the street. I sometimes begin to lead myself into thinking that tablets are
a step back, which should be avoided by all means.

The 770 will be only slightly bigger than my P910, and I have to remember what pocket I dropped that one in or I can't find it again.
I'm personally really looking forward to the screen; I watch a lot of movies on my P910 and having a screen four times the resolution would really make the difference (of course, that would also mean that I won't be able to squeeze four xvid-movies on a 512 MB card anymore)

Incidentally, here are some screenshots of that gorgeous screen, taken from a real-life evaluation:


It really is almost as good as print on paper. Imagine working on a GIMP picture on that screen (and the GIMP /will/ be ported to the 770!)


will be an interesting companion for my Nokias.

I have never seen any of these before. Interesting, in my opinion, because
you can avoid lugging around a heavy LifeDrive and still have the high
capacity, possibly in your pocket rather than your hand.

One caveat: it runs on AC only, no batteries. I was thinking of using it as a server to our fleet of 770s in the house. I'll probably stick some 1 gig cards in the Nokias for portable storage.

It all sounds expensive, but not if you realize that the Nokias are going to replace all the laptops and all but one of the desktops we were originally planning to buy. I've calculated we'll be saving about half the budget. And that's just in our house (a house of geeks, admittedly, but still...); imagine what a creative company could save with these things?

And lastly, the more affordable:

* http://www.powerplaydevices.com/products/ppvs_info.html

Looks interesting. There doesn't seem to be much software for it though...

True, but if you were to recommend a simple, cost-effective PIM to a friend who is new to PDA's, why not point the stick at that direction? Think of it as a Zire - (minus) software + penguin.

No comment there, mate.

Karel "de Jazz" Jansens

"Those of us who fail history, are doomed to repeat it in summer school."
(Buffy Summers)

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