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CP Leads to System Hanging

Some  time  ago I asked about limiting scp and it turned out that I had  a
version  of  scp that did not support the -l option. I have  now  resolved
that  issue, but it turns out that the CPU is crippled just as badly  when
-l is forced, which means that I cannot work properly (unless I am away).

Either  way, I have yet another issue, which is similar in nature. I occa-
sionally,  almost on a daily basis, copy (cp) large files from one  parti-
tion  to  another. If the Konqueror interface is used (copy & paste),  the
speed  of the transfer makes interaction quite graceful regardless of  the
transfer.  However,  since I scripted the cp command and cp is  very  CPU-
greedy  (as  anything  else that relies on the round-robin  scheduling  in
*nix),  even 'nice' does not make the environment workable. If I leave  an
application  alone  (idle) for a second, cp 'steals' all the resources  it
can.  I am approaching almost a halt, in particular at I/O-level (applica-
tions  run  fine) for several minutes. I have looked at the man pages  for
cp, but couldn't immediately find a remedy.

So,  my question is: can cp have limits imposed? Will these limits, as  in
the case of scp (see first paragraph) affect the load? It sure seems as if
KDE,  being at a higher level and using cp merely as a service, is able to
achieve that.

Many thanks in advance,


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