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Re: How fair are SERP?

__/ [Logician] on Thursday 01 September 2005 09:52 \__

> I just purchased the SEO Book which I would advocate buying since it
> has a mass of links to SEO tools, resources, and also a lot of examples
> explained standard SEO techniques.
> But the SEO Book says links are the most important factor in getting
> good SERPs, and the book says reciprocal links are "highly effective."
> I have researched my own current industry (bathrooms) and seen a few
> sites dominate, but these sites have simply all gone to the SAME sites
> and purchased links. This is so obvious that it is incredible. Most of
> the links cost between £50-250 and they have purchased hundreds of
> them.
> I find it incredible that a billion dollar company like Google is so
> easily fooled. They might as well just offer a bidding system to get
> #1.
> It is simply since the Internet is large that the linking system works
> at all. If the WWW have 100,000 sites and not billions, the same links
> would be very apparent.
> So my thinking is that Google will soon catch on and "clear out" the
> insane idea that linking is the ONLY major factor, or we just have to
> accept, the #1 slot goes to the richest merchants since they buy the
> links.
> Like everything else, money determines everything.

You are right. In search engines, much like in industry and academia, people
can form 'pacts' to defend and promote one another. Politicians do it too,
but I don't want to discuss politics and use it as an example. It doesn't
take much imagination (your screenname is Logician, ain't it?) to think of
examples that truly shape our world and not just our economy. They are
driven by the very same -- shall we name them -- 'loopholes'.

What criterion do you propose as that which should determine rankings? A
user is sat in front of his/her screen and enters the very narrow search
which is 'bathrooms'. Which company will the user be most interested in? Is
it an excellent little shop far away in Australia or one with world-wide
coverage? That must be the reason Google decided to localise searches. So
how localised should they be? Country-specific? City? Maybe the Google
Cookie will one day discover your home address and make decision as to
which shop you are most likely after? Either way, at the end of the day,
call it "unfair", make the claim that monopolies and big companies kill the
small one, but...

What can you do to prevent it?


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