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Re: Ballmer the Angry Monkey

__/ [Linønut] on Saturday 03 September 2005 18:52 \__

> Roy Schestowitz poked his little head through the XP firewall and said:
>> Very true. Lest we forget that Google embrace Linux. A world dominated by
>> Google is a world where Windows cannot prevail for long. It will not
>> endure initiatives like Summer of Code and openness. Ballmer agrees:
>> http://tinyurl.com/docva
>    http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/microsoft-ceo-im... LONG URL
>    Microsoft CEO: 'I'm going to f---ing kill Google'
>    September 3, 2005 - 12:05PM
>    Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer vowed to "kill" internet search
>    leader Google Inc. in an obscenity-laced tirade, and Google chased a
>    prized Microsoft executive "like wolves," according to documents
>    filed in an increasingly bitter legal battle between the rivals.
> Looks like Ballmer really is "Sweaty Ballmer".  He wants employ his
> grease gun on Google.
>    Ballmer's threat last November was recounted in a sworn declaration
>    by a former Microsoft engineer, Mark Lucovsky, who said he met with
>    Microsoft's chief executive 10 months ago to discuss his decision to
>    leave the company after six years.

He is moving on, why not? Who wouldn't?

>    After learning Lucovsky was leaving to take a job at Google, Ballmer
>    picked up his chair and hurled it across his office, according to the
>    declaration.

I'm sure that would persuade Lucovsky to change his mind.

>    Ballmer then pejoratively berated Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Lucovsky
>    recalled.
>    "I'm going to f---ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I
>    will do it again," the declaration quotes Ballmer. "I'm going to
>    f---ing kill Google."

When has he done that before? Is he a senile?

> Looks like Sweats has been coming to COLA to bone up on cursing.  I'm
> surprised he didn't use "fucktard".

*LOL* He is quite disturbing that monkey boy...


Roy S. Schestowitz      | SuSE, Mandriva, Fedora - Gotta love them girls
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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