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Re: How to Improve this Newsgroup

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [Toby Inkster] on Saturday 03 September 2005 08:41 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> It quickly slides into non-technical issues and dialogues that are
>>> hard to follow.
>> No point in turning this group into another alt.html. We already have
>> alt.html for that.
> Yes, but HTML <> Webmaster. I am still reluctant to get involved in
> threads, which in this newsgroup can go on for a very long time, even
> when not labelled [OT]. I respect everyone else's preference, which
> evidently is largely different than mine. Like I said, this message
> did not embrace the offence.
> Roy

I find that this ng has a higher noise to signal ratio that most technical 
Once a thread's gone past 10 posts or so it starts getting futile to follow 
it any longer if you're after information.

Sometimes I feel like the ng should be called alt.www.flirting or 

That being said, when you can find technical content, it's useful, thorough, 
and well argued out.
The noise however prevents me from giving this group out to people looking 
for technical reference sources.

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