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Re: Firefox tool for Adsense

__/ [Mikkel Moldrup-Lakjer] on Thursday 08 September 2005 17:03 \__

> This may be old news to you, but I had not heard of it before:
> http://code.mincus.com/extensions/adsense.xpi
> Constantly shows your earnings in the statusbar. (You should use the
> betaversion)
> I love Firefox!
> Mikkel

Excellent extension. Thanks for sharing! The placement of the figures does
not intrude the user's workspace and does not conflict with SearchStatus,
which resides on the LHS of the status bar. Thanks for reminding me to
upgrade to 1.9 by the way. I can spot rel="nofollow" in the strangest
places now, even in large news sites that try to control their PageRank


PS - A few months before Firefox reminds to seniors to take their pill, or
assists someone in counting calories. Everything fits nicely on top of JRE!

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