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Re: [News] Real to Enable Proprietary Windows Codecs to Work in Linux!

On 2006-08-16, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>| It will release open-source code to play the files...

 Man, another troll argument bites the dust. Well, they'll still be able
to complain that DVDs don't usually work out-of-the box for a while yet.
It's amazing how negative you can be if you ignore one-step fixes like
EasyUbuntu or this:



 Ray Ingles                                       (313) 227-2317

  "It is interesting that [the administration] presents Iraq as
  (a) a terrible threat to the world with unlimited capacity for
    raining down death and (b) a nation with a demoralized and
 scattered army that we can take over in a matter of weeks using
    our fine new weapons systems and maybe a soldier or two."
                       - Jon Carroll

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