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Re: Java Faster on Linux Than on Windows

On 14 Aug 2006 07:30:53 -0700, "nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Don't get me wrong, probably half the conspiracy theories involving
>Microsoft are right.

#1. MS used coercion, political clout and proprietary vendor contracts
to cause the demise of the Netscape browser.   TRUE
#2. MS used coercion, political clout and proprietary vendor contracts
to force the exclusion of Linux from the public view.  TRUE

#3. MS used coercion, political clout and proprietary vendor contracts
to quash a DOJ investigation into it's monopolistic practices.  TRUE

#4. MS used/uses FUD to malign any/every software vendor that
doesn't do the MS/Balmer monkey-boy dance.  TRUE

#5. MS innovated the NTFS to move the computing public away
from the FAT32 filesystem not because it was/is more secure
but because they couldn't control it's use.  TRUE

#6. The MS WGA is not an attempt to thwart piracy but another
means to control all computer use and direction.  TRUE

#7. Bill Gates did not retire from active every day involvement
in Microsoft in order to devote more time to his 
philanthropic endeavors.  This was/is a means to get out while
he could before the downfall of his debacle that is sure to come.
The "War of the Worlds" is coming to Microsoft and the resident
rats are getting scared for their jobs and pensions.  TRUE

#8. Open source is the devil and those advocating free software
are just a bunch of whiney babies wanting something for nothing.

What are the other conspiracy theories that abound?
The JFK assination?
The Israeli attack on the USS Cole?
The "walk on the moon" was actually filmed in Hollywood?
An AIDS vaccine has already been discovered but the 
    US "gubmint" and the pharmaceutical companies
    are withholding it for future diversions away from 
    "gubmint" attrocities.
There is no "Area 51".  Just a military hospital used to
    do illegal experiments on kidnapped "street people".
President Bush was in business with Osama Bin Laden
    along with his father, George "GIMP" Bush, Sr., and
    the WTC bombing was Bin Ladens retaliation against
    America because the Bush's tried to cheat him and
    his family out of several billion dollars in foreign oil trade.
The "Lindbergh baby" was not kidnapped by Bruno Hauptmann
    but by the US "gubmint" as a warning to Colonel Lindbergh
    to keep quiet about what he knew about a "gubmint"

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