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[News] Linux Appeals to Experts in Post-Production Work

Autodesk Introduces New Versions of its Visual Effects and Editing Systems

,----[ Quote ]
| "....The speed of Flame 2007 on Linux and its ability to work in both
| television and film resolutions has also continued to amaze us."
| Autodesk visual effects and editing systems enable artists to work
| in multiple standard- and high-definition resolutions, including NTSC,
| SECAM, PAL, HD, 2K and 4K.
| [...]
| As well, Autodesk's editing and visual effects systems take full advantage
| of multi-core, 64-bit Linux workstations, providing greater interactivity
| and speed. Wim de Rick, post-production supervisor at Belgium-based ACE
| Digital House, commented, "With Autodesk Smoke 2007 running on Linux,
| projects can be rendered much faster than before, and since Linux is
| cheaper to run than traditional platforms, management is happy too. Our
| clients love Smoke because it's a multi-functional machine that can getm
| any different jobs done in very little time. It offers a win-win
| situation for everyone."


There are other such companies that take the same approach by prelaoding
Linux < http://www.newswiretoday.com/news/7818/ >. It's simply more suitable
to this work.

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