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Re: Tom Yager Confirms: Windows Inherently Insecure

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Is Windows inherently more vulnerable to malware attacks than OS X?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | So, after all this, do I have enough to judge Windows inherently
> | more vulnerable to severe malware than OS X? I do.
> |
> | I've been writing about these shortcomings for years, and it always
> | traces back to Microsoft's untenable policy of maintaining gaps in
> | Windows security to avoid competing with 3rd party vendors and
> | certified partners. Apple's taking a different approach: What users
> | need is in the box: Anti-virus, anti-spam, encryption, image backup
> | and restore, offsite safe storage through .Mac, and launchd. Pretty
> | soon any debate with Microsoft over security can be ended in one round
> | when Apple stands up, says "launchd," and sits back down.
> `----
> http://weblog.infoworld.com/enterprisemac/archives/2006/08/is_windows_inhe.html

Big fucking deal. Tom Yager is a FUD spewing paid lintard shill. Just
like you.

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