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A.C.S.Palmtops.Pilot Stats: 08/08/2006-22/08/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 15 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "A.C.S.Palmtops.Pilot Stats:

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "A.C.S.Palmtops.Pilot Stats: "> if
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 29 messages written between 2006-08-08 10:00:49 and
2006-08-22 22:52:36

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Ron Miller <rh.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx>                            4  61.17%

A total of 61279 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 7401, or
12.08%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Ron Miller <rh.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx>                    4     2601  61.2%
   2. ray...i need to pay my bill and it works <ray@aust    2    24408   0.1%
      smackedass <kemanospamcomputer@xxxxxxxxxxx>           2     1999   8.7%
      clay <a_design@xxxxxxxxxxx>                           2     1169  43.2%
      milkyway <d0mufasa@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       2      646
   6. angelahudson555@xxxxxxxxx                             1     9455
      Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          1     6169
      NSI <af.irani@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                           1     4184   1.2%
      Gadi Ben-Avi <gadi_b@xxxxxxxxx>                       1     1627  83.4%
      Ray <737051@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            1     1444
      Jim Anderson <fro2750@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      1     1262  59.0%
      Chris McMahan <first_initiallastname@xxxxxxxxxxx>     1     1184  57.6%
      Paul Webster <paul.webster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    1     1005  65.5%
      Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                 1      931  73.5%
      Colourqueen <judy@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        1      856  74.9%

A total of 22 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Ron Miller <rh.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx>           1010 /    4 =   252  61.2%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. technical service question                                    5    3457
   2. Importing Data from Hard Drive to other Hard drive?           4    4888
   3. VIDEO HEADACHES IN T3  [Please Note NEW Email Address]        3    2760
      treo 650 upgrade                                              3    1652
   5. Please help *PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST*                2   24408
      Scheduler for Palm TX                                         2     646
      A.C.S.Palmtops.Pilot Stats: 24/07/2006-08/08/2006             1    6169
      Add money to your Paypal account with OPRAH 1[J3?             1    4184
      Please help                                                   1    1444
      What do I need to Voice Record on a Tungsten C?               1    1005
      USB not an option in Hotsync?                                 1     423
      news reader on treo 600                                       1     239
      Work from Home for REAL Employers  [6165]                     1     236
      Import free Big10 Schedules into Palm calendars               1     175

A total of 16 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                      6
      Microsoft Outlook Express               6
       5.50.4133.2400:1 6.00.2900.2869:5
   3. Thunderbird                     5
   4. Forte Agent                             2
       4.0/32.1059:1 4.0/32.1069:1
      Mozilla                                 2
   6. KNode                                   1
      Gnus                                    1
      MicroPlanet-Gravity                     1
      Pan                                     1

A total of 9 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday        8 *****************************************************
Tuesday       9 ************************************************************
Wednesday     4 **************************
Thursday      4 **************************
Friday        2 *************
Saturday      2 *************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     2 ******************************
0100-0159     3 *********************************************
0700-0759     1 ***************
0900-0959     1 ***************
1000-1059     3 *********************************************
1100-1159     1 ***************
1200-1259     1 ***************
1300-1359     2 ******************************
1500-1559     4 ************************************************************
1600-1659     1 ***************
1700-1759     3 *********************************************
1800-1859     1 ***************
1900-1959     1 ***************
2000-2059     2 ******************************
2200-2259     2 ******************************
2300-2359     1 ***************


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