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Re: Looks like Roy is once again infringing copyrights...

On 2006-12-31, RonB <ronb02nospam@xxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 03:49:08 -0600, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> So let's review the violations, shall we?

> Now the question is, why do these article excerpts offend you so? They're 
> placed in a Linux Advocacy Newsgroup and not cross-posted. If you don't
> like them, don't read them. Personally I enjoy these "news service" and
> *often* follow the links.  

Erik can't FUD like the good ol' days. He gets called on almost
everything. So he's looking for a new angle. He chose Roy's posts as
the new target.

His bosses must be pretty bothered by both his falloff in trollery and
Roy's poisitve linux/negative MS posts. So Erik, trying to get back in
their good graces, goes after Roy. But it takes months between each
finding. And when he finally does go after Roy he misfires.

I'd look for even more senseless babbling about Roy's exploits in the

Erik still hasn't shown how he can know his previous attempt to tar Roy
over a graphic wasn't because of a product of mistake on Roy's part. He
can only spew some crap about the author keeping him current, via
several emails to tell him what's happening, on the status an on-going
dispute, after only having written 2 emails of his own.

> Thanks to Roy for the hard work.

I don't read them all. But I value all of them. They're driving the
trolls into all-out hysteria.

Windows doesn't have any bugs. It just develops random features.

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