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Re: Proof That Microsoft Threatens OEM's Which Get Cozy with Linux

__/ [ chrisv ] on Friday 29 December 2006 14:10 \__

>>Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft 'killed Dell Linux' - States
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | The States' remedy hearing opened in DC yesterday, and States attorney
>>> | Steven Kuney produced a devastating memo from Kempin, then in charge of
>>> | Microsoft's OEM business, written after Judge Jackson had ordered his
>>> | break-up of the company. Kempin raises the possibility of threatening
>>> | Dell and other PC builders which promote Linux.
>>> |
>>> | "I'm thinking of hitting the OEMs harder than in the past with
>>> | anti-Linux. ... they should do a delicate dance," Kempin wrote to
>>> | Ballmer, in what is sure to be a memorable addition to the phrases
>>> | ("knife the baby", "cut off the air supply") with which Microsoft
>>> | enriched the English language in the first trial. Unlike those two,
>>> | this is not contested.
>>> |
>>> | [...]
>>> |
>>> | Earlier memos described that it was "untenable" that a key Microsoft
>>> | partner was promoting Linux. Kuney revealed that Dell disbanded its
>>> | Linux business unit in early 2001. Dell quietly pulled Linux from its
>>> | desktop PCs in the summer of 2001, IDG's Ashlee Vance discovered
>>> | subsequently, six months after we heard Michael Dell declare his love
>>> | of Linux on the desktop the previous winter.
>>> |
>>> | Compaq was also mentioned in other memos, with Microsoft taking the
>>> | line that OEMs should "meet demand but not help create demand" for
>>> | Linux.
> None of this is news, of course.  It's typical and well-known M$ evil.

Many people still giggle at the thought and say that it's some sick rumour
made up in Slashdot. It is not. It's the truth which Microsoft pays people
to conceal.

                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "All your archives are (sic) belong to Google"
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