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Re: underclocking

__/ [ Jim Richardson ] on Friday 29 December 2006 08:34 \__

> Hash: SHA1
> On 28 Dec 2006 23:13:44 -0800,
>  Brandon J. Van Every <SeaFuncSpam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> That's when your new FC6 believes that it's 8 hours earlier than your
>> old Windows.  ;-)  Yeah, I've now read lotsa gobbledygoo on how the 2
>> systems handle time differently.  With recommendations like "put stuff
>> in your startup scripts" or "if you have a permanent network
>> connection, run NTD and be happy."  These are not consumer friendly
>> solutions, nor was the process of discovering why things are the way
>> they are.
>> I suppose if you manage to sell someone a box with Linux preinstalled,
>> you don't have a problem.  But if you're dual booting, this is a
>> problem.  What do the LiveCD distros do?  Just screw it up?
>> Cheers,
>> Brandon Van Every
> On GNOME, I just rt click on the clock, select prefs, and then check or
> uncheck the box labeled "use UTC"
> In you case, it sounds like your Windows clock is set to localtime,
> rather than UTC. If you don't want to run an NTP client (which is what
> MS-Windows does iirc) then untick the UTC option in your clock prefs.
> KDE has the option there somewhere, if that's what you are using.
> Of course, there are other ways to do it, you can run a time daemon,
> etc.

I can recall people in a UK computers newsgroup arguing that Microsoft's NTP
server does not appear to work or isn't reliable. As for KDE, in SuSE I
could fetch NTP from the respository. The clock occasionally went out of
sync, so I was late to some appointments at the time... might be worth doing
a quick Web search because questions on NTP are rather common...

                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

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