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[News] Zune Bugs Uncovered, Early Adopters Are Guinea Pigs?

Zune Customer Support: Music skips if battery is not charged fully.

,----[ Quote ]
| In my first customer support call, the rep from Microsoft informs me that
| if the Zune does not have a "full charge" on the battery, then the data
| may skip.


Related to this:

Microsoft using early Vista users as guinea pigs?

,----[ Quote ]
| Interesting to read in the International Herald Tribune this week
| about Microsoft hitting a 'crisis of confidence' with its new Vista
| operating system.
| [...]
| Sounds familiar? Your bet - it's almost an exact re-run of the
| security issues that affected Windows XP in its earliest days.
| Microsoft wouldn't be using its Vista users - as it did with XP -
| as guinea pigs, now would it?...


Also today:

After one month, no rush to adopt Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista has been on the market for nearly a month now, but
| enterprise users and industry experts agree that Microsoft's
| latest and greatest OS still isn't yet ready to replace XP.


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