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[News] 2007: Free/Open Source Software at the Centre of Technology

Outlook on Technology 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Open Source
| Open Source software will be in the limelight as business's are exposed
| to what Open Source is, and how they can benefit. Open Source software
| is code that basically is free, free to share, free to distribute, and
| free to modify.
| Open Source integrators (small firms who modify Open Source to
| clients specific needs) will make large gains in market share. They
| are able to create fairly custom solutions for business's by using
| Open Source software as the base and adding their own code on top of
| it. Saving companies thousands of dollars in custom software
| solutions that would normally be developed from scratch. A popular
| growing Open Source project right now to keep your eye on is Sugar
| CRM, a much less expensive CRM solution then the widely popular
| Salesfroce.com. Sugar has seen a tremendous success as a SMB CRM,
| with third parties constantly adding new features, new builds,
| a even support options.


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