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Re: GNU/Linux is in a battle for 2008

__/ [ Snit ] on Monday 25 December 2006 21:45 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> stated in post
> 1304107.R56vR45ROp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 12/25/06 2:29 PM:
>> __/ [ Patrick ] on Monday 25 December 2006 16:17 \__
>>> GNU/Linux is in a battle, against Mac OS X, and Microsoft, for the 64
>>> bit world...
>>> Microsoft Vista is STILL only 32 bit.  MS has the wiles of a tried and
>>> experienced manipulator of politics and law, to continue to act like the
>>> Pirate, Monopoly Felon that it is.
>>> But, the market is following the long term predictions of growth, from
>>> 8bit to 16 bit, from 16 bit to 32 bit, and now, from 32 bit to 64 bit.
>>> Mac OS X has a good history for incorporating legasy (Classic) binaries
>>> into the next platform.  But, with only a maximum of about 6 % of the
>>> market, what chances does it have to rule the 64 bit world?  I dread
>>> them becomming a super-monopoly, as they would be even more draconian
>>> and lawsuit happy than MS!
>>> I know, as I also fix, service, do warranty repairs, on Macs.
>>> GNU/Linux is stated to be only static on the statistics of the vast
>>> number of desktop users of the world.  BUT, GNU.Linux has 64 bit apps
>>> that work, since 1995.  Trouble is, they are targeted to servers, not 3d
>>> or video apps. or games, in 64bit.
>>> Read the entire story, here:
>> d247970
>> He works at Linspire now. He tries to sell 'proprietary Linux', so there
>> are interests there. He creates fear (a deadline). All that he says about
>> the monopoly and manipulation is true (he hosts the Halloween
>> Memos/Documents, so he should clearly know).
>> I believe that what worries ESR is that Linux will not get an overnight
>> uptake by assimilating to Apple and Microsoft while keeping the price too
>> competitive to fail. But GNU/Linux needn't follow the route of Sabayon or
>> Ubuntu (7.04) and then receive a letter from the FSF. If people are
>> properly taught the value of liberty (DRM in Vista will be a /huge/
>> wake-up call), they will flock to Linux. No need to bring iPod(rm)s to
>> Linux (Linspire's example and ESR's argument).
>> Just my 50 cents...
> How long until Linux programs start accepting DRM to be able to get content
> that is protected?
It's funny that Linux users all get /plenty/ of content, all of which is
unprotected. Mac and users have by this point found that even so-called
'protection' is bogus as it's easily strippable. The remainder is either a
nuisance, a case of crippleware, content whose lifespan has an expiration
date (programs won't be around/backward-compatible forever) or a sick
combination thereof.

Finally, I'll just add that DRM is being dropped. The public has woken up,
even those whom industry considered innocent sheep that will bite the yellow

[see bottom notes... that's where I put some interesting/shocking Mac/Office

Sony BMG settles suit over CDs

,----[ Quote ]
| Sony BMG Music Entertainment will pay $1.5 million and kick in thousands
| more in customer refunds to settle lawsuits brought by California and
| Texas over music CDs that installed a hidden anti-piracy program
| on consumers' computers.


Amazon Soon Opening DRM-free MP3 Store

,----[ Quote ]
| Looks like rumors are afloat that Amazon is planning on a late
| first quarter 2007 launch of a new music download store. In an
| already crowded music download market, Amazon hopes to differentiate
| itself in two major ways...


Tivoisation explained - implementation and harms

,----[ Quote ]
| To think about what free software licences should do about
| tivoisation, we have to understand what problems we're trying
| to prevent, and how it works - so that we can ensure that
| it doesn't work.


iTunes sales 'collapsing'

,----[ Quote ]
| The leading DRM digital download service, Apple's iTunes, has
| experienced a collapse in sales revenues this year according to
| analyst company Forrester Research.


Apple had a dispute over this later on...

Music to be offered in MP3 file format

,----[ Quote ]
| After years of selling online music digitally wrapped with copy
| and playback restrictions designed to hinder piracy, major music
| labels are beginning to make some songs available in the
| unrestricted MP3 file format.



Big labels are f*cked, and DRM is dead - Peter Jenner

,----[ Quote ]
| Few people know the music industry better than Peter Jenner. Pink
| Floyd's first manager, who subsequently managed Syd Barrett's solo
| career, Jenner has also looked after T.Rex, The Clash, Ian Dury,
| Disposable Heroes and Billy Bragg - who he manages today. He's also
| secretary general of the International Music Managers Forum.


The Top 10 Arguments Against DRM

,----[ Gist ]
| 1. DRM doesn't prevent illegal use of files, it just makes it a bit
| more difficult to access them.
| 2. All it takes is one person to crack the file and it can be made
| available to everyone.
| 3. Anyone selling content on CD is already selling unprotected files 
| anyway.
| 4. DRM adds a lot of costs for content producers
| 5. There's a huge hidden cost in trying to sell DRM'ed content
| 6. Often the costs of the DRM are passed along to the consumer as well.
| 7. DRM-free content will play on your device of today and your device
| of tomorrow
| 8. Your media devices of the future will be significantly different than 
| your media devices of the present.
| 9. DRM fundamentally changes who is control of your media.
| 10. Whenever you buy DRM'ed content you support the system of DRM


Is DRM good or bad for consumers?

,----[ Quote ]
| In addition, many consumers don't understand DRM restrictions, and
| they're surprised when a CD that works on a home stereo can't be
| played somewhere else, she said. Vendors offer "little disclosure
| about how consumers can use" DRM-protected content, she said.


The Danger of DRM

,----[ Snippet ]
| Sony, having acquired Columbia Records in 1988, was now aligned behind
| music industry interests. It had long sought to replace the open MP3f
| ormat with its own ATRAC audio compression scheme in order to retain
| control over digital music files and limit the potential for music
| file sharing.


Why we are Not Evil !

,----[ Quote ]
| # No DRM: No copy protection (DRM), you can do what you like with
| your music, unlike iTunes and Windows-media based web sites
| # Listen to everything: all our albums can be listened to in their
| entirety before you buy


If you think that only DRM for content is dead, have a look:

A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection

,----[ Quote ]
| Executive Summary
| The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute
| the longest suicide note in history.


Cost analysis of Vista DRM: Part II

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft doesn't merely use DRM. To all intents and purposes it
| is DRM, better known as Digital Rights Management, Digital
| Restrictions Management or or just plain CRAP for Content
| Restriction, Annulment, and Protection, as ZDNet's David
| Berlind called it, eventually deferring to Richard Stallman's
| Cancellation, Restriction, and Punishment. We call it, simply,
| CCG, short for Consumer Control Gear.


Thanks for yet another prior warning. Office 2007 is clearly part of this
mess... and it dares to invade Mac OS too... got enough viruses from
Microsoft yet? They haven't yet patched that last one... more on looks,
lacks and locks...


Microsoft makes a Basic mistake with Office 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Office isn't among the apps that will run natively on
| Intel-based Macs--and it won't be until the latter half of 2007,
| according to media reports. But when it does ship, Office will
| apparently be missing a feature so vital to cross-platform
| compatibility that I believe it will be the beginning of the
| end for the Mac version of the productivity suite.


Microsoft pulls Mac security update

,----[ Quote ]
| A security update issued Tuesday for the Mac version of Microsoft
| Office was posted in error, the software maker said. The company
| encouraged consumers to uninstall the patch, which is still being tested.


Signs That Your "Open Standard" May Not Be Open Enough

,----[ Quote ]
| If OOXML is an open standard, why must Mac MS Office users wait so
| long for OOXML support? Correct me if I am wrong, but MS Office on
| the Mac is developed by Microsoft themselves, how is it that the
| Windows Office development team had access to the OOXML specification
| but the Mac Office team did not?
| [...]
| Microsoft's ECMA submission comprised more than 6,000 pages. The
| challenge of plowing through so much could drag out
| approval by ISO. (ODF's submission was less than 700 pages.)
| [...]
| So, while Microsoft's own developers struggle to comprehend and
| implement their own proposed "standard" file format, perhaps Mac
| MS Office customers can use Novell OpenOffice for their Windows MS
| Office compatibility needs.


The lock-out begins for Office Mac users

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is calling these "Microsoft Office Open XML Formats", but
| Office for Mac users will find them far from "open". In fact, they
| can't read them.
| Take Word 2007, for example. By default it saves documents in the
| new *.docx format. Trying to open one of these in Word for Mac 2004
| yields the following garbled mess


Publish And Perish

,----[ Quote ]
| Alexander Rose, the executive director of the futurist Long Now
| Foundation, worries about the impermanence of digital information.
| "If you save that computer for 100 years, will the electrical plugs
| look the same?" he asks. "The Mac or the PC--will they be around?
| If they are, what about the software? " So far there's no business
| case for digital preservation--in fact, for software makers like
| Microsoft, planned obsolescence is the plan.
| "The reality is that it's in companies' interest that software should
| become obsolete and that you should have to buy every upgrade,"
| Rose says. We could be on the cusp of a turning point, though, in the
| way businesses and their customers think about digital preservation.
| "Things will start to change when people start losing all of their personal
| photos," Rose said.


How Vista Lets Microsoft Lock Users In - Cory Doctorow  



A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection

,----[ Quote ]
| Executive Summary
| The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute
| the longest suicide note in history.


                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    WARNING: /dev/null running out of space
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