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Re: [News] KDE 4 News and Screenshots THE WORLD"S WORST VIDEO !!!!! SEE LINUX IN ACTION!!

On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 10:33:13 -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:

> flatfish+++ wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 21:21:11 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Here's KDE with Beryl/XGL:
>>> http://rudd-o.com/archives/2006/11/18/the-coolness-factor-of-linux/
>> That has to be the absolute WORST video I have EVER seen.
>> There are better videos of Camaro's racing Rice Burners on YouTube than
>> this pile of slop.
>> Go Linux!!!!!!!
>> BTW, you lost average Joe the minute the file browser was
>> opened.................
>> I'm still laughing........
>> Nice one Roy!
> Did you read the hardware spec? The fact is, it's totally awesome,
> because vista probably wouldn't even install on that machine, but it
> runs perfectly with linux...

Who cares?
It looks like the crap that it is.

That's the problem with you Linux freaks, you are more interested in a
spec sheet than the actual experience of USING the product, which in the
case of Linux definitely leaves the audience wanting less.

> Nice try, but you failed....


I thought it was a joke when I first looked at it. Then I realized this
guy is serious.
Evidently others agree, at least looking at the comments he is getting.


#  What is Linux? says:
November 20th, 2006 at 17:21

So you freely admit that you steal music via bittorrent? You do realize
the trouble that could get you in, and that it gives legitimacy to the
RIAAâs bullying and lawsuits? You might want to edit that post a bit,
for your own sake and interests.


#  f says:
November 18th, 2006 at 22:30

Iâve never had WindowsÂ, back in the day I switched from AmigaOS to

This video is so horrible it makes me want to buy WindowsÂ.

I frankly donât understand how any human being can endure such


#  Richard John says:
November 20th, 2006 at 17:58

Eugh, you have no style at all. That desktop makes me want to puke, itâs
so cluttered and horrible.


...and so forth....

Back to your mud hut Linux freak...........

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