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Re: [News] Another Opensuse (on Laptop) Review.. It Doesn't Take Much To Make Linux People Happy..........

On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 10:27:35 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> openSUSE 10.2 Final Report
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In conclusion, openSUSE 10.2 performs marvelously on my new mobile |
> computer. This whole experience has been a pleasure from start to |
> finish. Most hardware is detected and auto-configured right out of | the
> box. Most of what requires further configuration are user-friendly | to
> set up. Important components like power management work great as well.
> `----
> http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/12077

It sure doesn't take much to excite today's Linux user.

"One of the first things I noticed was how openSUSE detected my display
and gave a correct resolution of 1280x800. As mentioned earlier, I'd
tested a few livecds previously, and none of them did as well. Another
yippee was its detection and auto-config of the pointer thingy. I recall
reading horror stories in the past by folks trying to get those to work.
Linux has come a long way, Baby. Some more good news: the sound card and
volume control worked out of the box, some of the media/shortcut keys
work, and power management was setup out of the box and worked properly."


Windows has been doing this for years.

What took Linux so long?

Also notice, other distributions he tested didn't fair as well.
Guess you have to pick the RIGHT distribution for your hardware or you are

I'm starting to understand why there are 600+ different versions of Linux.

Then of course we have this:

"I started out to set up the wireless connection. Unfortunately, my
wireless chipset isn't supported natively by Linux, so I had to resort to
ndiswrapper. I ended up using the advice given by eco2geek about
installing the windows driver off that partition and using ndiswrapper for
the module as described by the howto he linked to in that article. It
worked wonderfully. As he stated, it will connect to the neighbor's lan if
you're not careful. But once you connect to your own, it will be set as


Does every version of Linux Suse come with an eco2geek who seems to know
how to do all the things Suse Linux can't manage on it's own?

"Easy peasy, just fill in a few blanks and click Finish"

Easy Peasy?

Roy Schestowitz is that you?

Poor Fonts STILL?

"My only complaint is the fonts. The fonts aren't quite as nice on this
system as I've observed on my desktop openSUSE installs. I'm sure it's to
do with the type of display, but I've not been able to adjust them to my
exact liking. Although I'm growing accustomed to the new appearance, the
fonts on my desktop just knock my socks off when I get back on that

Notice how he walks on eggshells when critizing Linux.
He even blames his display!!!!! 
Even though it seems to look fine with other distros

Peter Kohlmann, is that you???????

More proof that you can't say negative things about Linux or the rabid
zealots will come and tar and feather you.

"After that I ended up "Hacking openSUSE 10.2."

You've just lost average Jane.........................................

In fact, you've lost average Jane the minute she sees the partitioning
page of OpenSuse.

Lose my data?

Nope...........another Linux DVD in the shitcan........

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