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[News] Novell/Microsoft Skepticism

Microvell's Dark Shadow

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell has all of the intelligence it gathered and software it
| created during the days when Microsoft was its arch-nemesis. Is
| any of that ancient stuff still useful? Without a doubt. Things
| haven't changed as much as you think. Novell just didn't have
| permission to dig in its own archives.


Linux Deal: Too Good to Last?

,----[ Quote ]
| As a Microsoft partner, how seriously should you take this deal?
| Analysts George Weiss and John Enck of Stamford, Conn.-based
| research firm Gartner had some solid advice in a research note
| for IT that applies equally well to partners. "Consider the
| publication and execution of a joint Microsoft-Novell roadmap
| as the critical missing piece of this agreement, with the
| potential to make or break its long-term value," the pair wrote.
| The companies promised a first roadmap in March. If there's no
| document by then, look elsewhere for your next opportunity.


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