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[News] Guardian on Live (Dead) Search, Cringley the on iPod

Windows Live Search could be renamed Dead Search

,----[ Quote ]
| For the past year, Microsoft has been talking up its plans to compete
| with Google by investing heavily in a super new search engine, but
| the reality is proving different.


Will Apple Ditch the iPod?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's real strategy in the home has to be built around
| Xbox, and Xbox is actually doing some smart things, so I view
| Zune as a deliberate distraction; it is a decoy.


It's not all weird news for Apple..

Also today:

I Gave Up My PC for a Mac

,----[ Quote ]
| What happens when a longtime Windows user abandons XP for a MacBook
| for two weeks? This is his tale.


Top Ten Reasons To Switch to a Mac

,----[ Quote ]
| # The Mac is ready to use out of the box
| # The Mac has no widespread viruses
| # The Mac OS is much more intuitive to use than Windows
| # The Mac comes bundled with much more software
| # The Mac is easier to install and operate
| # The Mac has much better customer suppor
| # Macs cost the same or less than an equivalent PC
| # The Mac can run Windows if you really need it
| # The Mac supports the same software that you are used to
| # The Mac has much more style than any PC


There are migrationsn from Macs to Linux as well and the weakening
monopoly/monculture is great news. Mac advocacy intersects with the
interests of Linux and empowers it.

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