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[News] Microsoft's Marketing Mistakes...

Microsoft's activation scheme is just plain stupid

,----[ Quote ]
| So, why does Microsoft persist in being so bloody stupid as to keep
| on with this product activation bollocks?
| I like Microsoft but this is just plain stupid. I buy a copy of XP or
| Office, install it on a machine and it connects with MS Central,
| activates itself and everything's lovely.
| Well, no, it isn't. If my hard disk fails; if I buy a new machine
| and chuck the old one in the dumpster; if a nefarious footpad breaks
| into my house and steals the bastard, I'm buggered. Reinstalling XP,
| Office or Vista will tell me that I've exceeded the number of
| licences I've paid for. Even when I haven't.


Walmart's Zunes, now with more porn?

,----[ Quote ]
| When confronted, the Walmart store manager initially blamed Microsoft
| for the pre-load. Later, a Walmart spokesman said they would
| investigate the matter and provide the couple with a full refund
| plus a $25 gift card -- presumably to pick up a copy of "My Two
| Daddies" to help the mother explain to her daughter why the "5
| men were having sex with each other." Uh, "join the social"
| Microsoft?


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