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Re: Internet Trading Cash Transfers

__/ [Kalamgish] on Tuesday 07 February 2006 15:05 \__

> Are there any on-line share traders that allow you to transfer cash
> yourself other than sending cheques or phoning in with debit/credit
> cards?
> I was surprised when I opened an Abbey sharedealing account that they
> won't even allow transfers from your own Abbey bank account, why?
> Thanks.

Frauds. Particularly ones that target E-mail. Banks have learned that
permitting people to migrate money /outside/ one's account is a messy
business. With people's poor choice of passwords and dynamic or arbitrary
allocation of IP addresses, banks will never be relieved by the idea of
permitting what you suggest, even is some benefits are foreseen.

Just my opinion,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    (S)oftware (U)nd (S)ystem(E)ntwicklung
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