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AISE Stats: 07/02/2006-12/02/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 740 messages written between 2006-02-07 00:07:25 and
2006-02-14 23:12:44

Toplist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Brian Wakem <no@xxxxxxxxx>                                    3  72.60%
   2. RG <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                       8  70.32%
   3. tochiro <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx>                                   8  58.55%
   4. GlobeTrekker <SeeLaiHK@xxxxxxxxx>                             3  56.32%
   5. Barbara de Zoete <trashbin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   5  54.65%
   6. James Helliwell <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  52.97%
   7. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             94  52.02%
   8. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            82  51.19%
   9. Luigi Donatello Asero <jaggillarfotboll@xxxxxxxxx>            6  50.36%
  10. Paul Andrews <ac297@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       3  49.58%
  11. Mike Redrobe <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               3  48.23%
  12. Windsun <wind-sun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              7  46.50%
  13. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          52  45.18%
  14. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 64  42.86%
  15. christian9997@xxxxxxxxxxx                                     4  41.30%

A total of 712278 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 281756,
or 39.56%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     94   111216  52.0%
   2. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    82    79710  51.2%
   3. Borek <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   65    42574  35.4%
   4. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         64   107437  42.9%
   5. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   52    60475  45.2%
   6. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>                      46    44439  36.0%
   7. canadafred <canadafred.22vxgq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   43    54561  36.2%
   8. Andrew Heenan <andrew4@xxxxxxxxxx>                   17    11130  30.6%
      Prax <parasmal@xxxxxxxxx>                            17     1262
  10. Greg N. <yodel_dodel@xxxxxxxxx>                      10     6718  22.9%
  11. Fritz M <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          9     2583  32.2%
  12. RG <nobody@xxxxxxxxxxx>                               8     4903  70.3%
      tochiro <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx>                           8     4878  58.5%
      pawan <pawan3164@xxxxxxxxx>                           8     3406
      davidof <david.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         8     3184  35.7%

A total of 125 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. GlobeTrekker <SeeLaiHK@xxxxxxxxx>            7290 /    3 =  2430  56.3%
   2. David <tinasilvee@xxxxxxxxx>                 7099 /    5 =  1419  24.4%
   3. Ed <apostle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   3190 /    3 =  1063  29.0%
   4. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 61394 /   64 =   959  42.9%
   5. TomekK <tomekk.nospam.delete__it@xxxxxxxxx>  6357 /    7 =   908  20.2%
   6. canadafred <canadafred.22vxgq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 34803 /   43 =   809  36.2%
   7. "Pet @ www.gymratz.co.uk ;¬)" <=?ISO-8859-1  2268 /    3 =   756  16.0%
   8. catherine yronwode <cat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>       2197 /    3 =   732  24.3%
   9. Carol W <from_you@xxxxxxxxxx>                1985 /    3 =   661  31.0%
  10. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@staceyssimplest 33153 /   52 =   637  45.2%
  11. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>             28453 /   46 =   618  36.0%
  12. Dan <dan@xxxxxxxxxx>                         1827 /    3 =   609  30.7%
  13. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            53360 /   94 =   567  52.0%
  14. Doug Laidlaw <laidlaws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      1649 /    3 =   549  13.2%
  15. brianbrophy@xxxxxxxxx                        2089 /    4 =   522

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. What is VEO ??                                               60   58562
   2. Google Bans BMW!                                             42   32173
   3. Site chopped more than 1/2 the size -was Ping John           41   52554
   4. how to mark up compound noun so that SE sees two words?      29   34205
   5. On the subject of spam, lookie here, Editor-Boy              26   37508
   6. Ping John                                                    17   22596
      Needed Reciprocal Link Code                                  17   11446
   8. plz help:store google's news on local system and search f    16   13455
      Google page ranks..                                          16   12599
      1> using H* instead of div. 2> keywords                      16   10422
  11. Is Google doing a big update now?                            15   12464
      Google Moon                                                  15    9242
  13. OT: Sig Test                                                 14   15640
  14. My bilingual site does not rank well:  why?                  13   10998
  15. Should google Penalize this or not ??                        12    9707

A total of 119 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. Microsoft Outlook Express             164
       6.00.2741.2600:2 6.00.2800.1106:6 6.00.2800.1409:7 6.00.2800.1506:4
6.00.2900.2180:21 6.00.2900.2670:124
   2. Forte Agent                           150
       1.7/32.534:94 1.91/32.564:46 2.0/32.652:6 3.1/32.783:4
   3. G2                                    124
   4. Xnews                                  85
   5. KNode                                  70
       0.7.2:64 0.8.2:3 0.9.2:3
      Opera M2/8.50                          70
   7. Thunderbird 1.5                        17
   8. Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3              10
   9. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7               9
  10. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2               8
  11. vBulletin USENET                        6
  12. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English         5
  13. MicroPlanet-Gravity                     3
  14. Forte Free Agent                        2
      MicroPlanet Gravity                     2

A total of 21 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       88 *******************************
Tuesday     168 ************************************************************
Wednesday   118 ******************************************
Thursday    129 **********************************************
Friday       68 ************************
Saturday    104 *************************************
Sunday       65 ***********************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059    24 *************************
0100-0159    23 ************************
0200-0259    19 ********************
0300-0359     9 *********
0400-0459    20 *********************
0500-0559    29 *******************************
0600-0659    32 **********************************
0700-0759    21 **********************
0800-0859    27 ****************************
0900-0959    39 *****************************************
1000-1059    36 **************************************
1100-1159    24 *************************
1200-1259    32 **********************************
1300-1359    25 **************************
1400-1459    56 ************************************************************
1500-1559    23 ************************
1600-1659    40 ******************************************
1700-1759    40 ******************************************
1800-1859    39 *****************************************
1900-1959    42 *********************************************
2000-2059    38 ****************************************
2100-2159    34 ************************************
2200-2259    41 *******************************************
2300-2359    27 ****************************


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