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Re: Making money with AdSense

__/ [ John Bokma ] on Saturday 25 February 2006 04:02 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> When you get a million visits a month, you may expect to earn figures
>> like that which you mention above. I should point out that such
>> figures approximately equate to your hosting bill. *smile*
> Nah, I do a quarter million a month (visits :-D), and I doubt that if I
> put adsense on it that I make what I am paying atm for hosting :-)

250,000 a month?!?! Geez! You are verging Cat's traffic, but wonder about
distribution among RSS feeds.

Well, I'm on 249,000 on Google at the moment:
http://www.google.com/search?q=schestowitz (99.9% refer to myself, the rest
to my dad's uncle)

As far as site stats are concerned (schestowitz.com alone), Webalizer gives
me just under 100,000 visits a month, but I suspect it also counts Windows
zombies (which AWstats shrewdly neglects when I redirect them to

__/ [ John Bokma ] added on Saturday 25 February 2006 04:04 \__

> BTW, with that many visits you might be able to make over 1200/mo by
> finding advertisers yourself. 400 USD/mo is certainly possible. I stopped
> selling link slots on my PR7 page, but I think I could get 3 people more
> :-D.

My site is non-profit. I was hoping it would become self-sustaining,
financially. It ain't so, yet. *smile*

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