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Re: Windows and the Common Man

__/ [Linønut] on Tuesday 10 January 2006 12:32 \__

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o'
> wisdom:
>> Wait until Vista gets shipped in its 7 editions. I wouldn't be surprised
>> if users got forced to pay one limb at a time, each time thinking it's the
>> last 'upgrade'. Each time a feature is unavailable, you need to 'unlock'
>> it with your credit card. Spellchecker? Open your wallet. Remote access?
>> That'll be $50, please.
> Well, at least all the "bits" are already there <grin>.

I am sure that a kind hijacker will be generous enough to enable remote
access for me (and his/her mates). Free of charge too without any initiative
or request.


Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Useless fact: Women blink twice as much as men
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