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Re: Title sequence

__/ [Big Bill] on Tuesday 10 January 2006 21:05 \__

> On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:57:50 -0500, Harlan Messinger
> <hmessinger.removethis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Someone has cited to me a theory that search engine placement is
>>improved if titles are arranged from the specific to the general instead
>>of from the general to the specific:
>>Search Optimization - Services - ABC Company
>>rather than
>>ABC Company - Services - Search Optimization
>>Is there any truth to that?
> Yup.

Bill is right. It's a definite yes and many sites are doing this already.
They add some indicator for orientation (like a backwards breadcrumbs trail)
and append context using backpointing arrows e.g.: (mockup example)

How to Improve Your Site << SEO Exchange

Assuming that people search for the answer rather than the brand, this will
get better ranks. In certain circumstances it is better avoided. If you are
willing to use fancy HTML symbols, then use:


instead of:


in you <title> or even <hX> blocks.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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