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Re: Microsoft FUD in Linux Web Sites (Was: Labeling for the Dumb and the Dumber)

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Glad you liked it, Kier. Is it just me, or can everybody still see that
> offensive propaganda on the right hand side of the page? I spent minutes
> trying to identify contact routes to the Webmaster (to no avail). The advert
> which clearly says it is "Sponsored By: /Microsoft/" reads:
> Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just
> click on the whitepaper of your choice to download:
> RadioShack Saves Millions of Dollars by Choosing Windows Over Linux
> After an extensive evaluation in which RadioShack compared Windows® and
> Linux, the company selected Microsoft® Windows Server System? and Windows XP
> Embedded. The company's move to Windows will reduce the number of servers in
> its stores by 50 percent and save millions of dollars in hardware, software,
> system management, and support costs.
> <3 more paragraphs omitted>
> Are LinuxToday totally stupid or have Microsoft paid them obscene amounts of
> money to cave? Google used to place such things in AdSense slots before I
> had msn.com and microsoft.com blocked... they seem to penetrate Linux Web
> sites. It is not the first time I see this.

The "Linux Reference Center" sponsored by Microsoft.  What a sick joke.
I hope LinuxToday got a lot of money for allowing Microsoft their
platform for propaganda.

I love the smell of code compiling in the morning.  It smells like... Freedom.

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