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Re: [News] Linux to Breathe More Easily Without SCO's Legal Battle

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> SCO's Legal Setback Should Help Linux Users Breathe Easier
> ,----[ Snippet ]
> | Enderle says the ruling means that Linux users in commercial
> | environments can breathe easier, knowing that it's now less likely that
> | SCO will gain control over significant pieces of the freely distributed
> | Linux operating system. "There's still that possibility, but it's
> | getting more remote," says Enderle.
> `----

Well done IBM, we know that code was never SCO's, it was written by many
programmers over many years and shared initially in pretty much the same
way Linux is shared by programmers, in magazines, chat and of cause down
the bar at the conference hotels. No one can claim ownership in my book
because they were simply too many people involved around the world,
anywhere there was a mainframe there was a programmer and administrator
chatting across the world to others, then the final lines of optimised code
were nothing more than the logical culmination of many minds and trial and
error. People helping each other out and there wasn't any status or money

As for SCO, screw you lot, who needs you, your on your way down, going
kicking and screaming, but definately going. If you want in on the Linux
game you have to play by Linux rules, and this law suit is deffinately not
Linux advocacy.

IBM have supported us from very early on, they have always put a lot of
effort and money into Linux and recently have increased that. Linux owes a
lot to IBM's involvement. Now, what do we owe SCO? errrrmmm, bugger all.

I don't mind people or companies being anti-linux, but when they try to take
control, claim primary code as theirs so that they can charge for it by
making it part of their 'source licencing plan', that isn't business, it's
an attempt to steal what isn't yours. So on that note I don't care at all
if SCO go to the wall. Sunsystems and HP do a much better job in the UNIX
world anyway, but they will be free of you too as they move more and more
systems to Linux.

Goodbye SCO, mind the door don't slap you on the arse on your way out.

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