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Re: [News] W3Counter for July: Firefox - 25%, Internet Explorer - 67%

On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 06:18:23 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ,----[ Quote ]
>| This report shows statistics aggregated across all active websites tracked
>| by W3Counter. It was last generated on July 9, 2006  based on an analysis
>| of 1,054,368 distinct visits across 1,218 websites.
> `----
>                                         http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats/

1 million visits across 1,218 websites?  That's less than 1,000 visits
average per site... in 30 days.

Weak, dude.

Sounds like these are all specialty, low volume sites, probably largely
consisting primarily of the owner of the site trying to jack up their hit
counts to get better advertising payment.

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