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Re: Ubuntu Wins 2006 World Class Award from PC World

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Friday 07 July 2006 14:15 \__
>> On Friday 07 July 2006 13:44 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> There's a certain cycle here, I think. smile You and Gruff are reading
>>> Groklaw regularly and this is a link that I sent PJ earlier this morning
>>> (thanks again for getting me in the right direction).
>> Heh:-)  So you have just realised who sends PJ all her fan mail?:-)
>> Seriously, you are dead right - I keep GROKLAW open in a tab all the time.
>> Started because I was fascinated (a year or more ago) by the SCO case, and
>> then realised that the site was quick with news items as well.
>> I wonder just how much influence on public awareness that site has had,
>> particularly re. SCO and ODF?
> With Alexa rank hoovering around 10,000, I have always estimated 10,000+
> visits per day. She knows that Microsoft try to discourage
> traffic(=influence) and FUD (erode the reputation of) her Web site, much as
> they do with online forums (e.g. COLA) and Slashdot. They create
> stereotypes, just as they did/do with GPL/GNU/Linux (cancer, buggy,
> undependable, badly documented, immature, et cetera).
> It is often a battle of character, which is important to business clients
> more than anything else (long-term vitality is also important). I bet your
> ass (perdon the phrase) they still have some guys in suits with tablet shown
> in their Web sites, Never mind malware and s*ite.  Windows=sophistication,
> assuming you spend enough money in advertising(=brainwashing).
> Apple='trendiness' because Apple is rarely targetted at the enterprise, if
> ever.
> By the way, remember how Microsoft attempted character assassination of PJ?
> This was recently mentioned in COLA. I passed it on to her. I still wonder
> how many COLA trolls are in cahoot.

I think it naive to imagine that a company with the resources of MS does
not take every single relevant online forum seriously enough to monitor.
I'm quite sure that they devote a tiny tiny part of their resources
towards this particular threat.  Such a tiny part could, by my measures,
be millions of $s, of course.  They wouldn't even notice it.

I'm sure that this forum is watched by some bloggers and journalists and
influential folk, because I've seen far too many ideas developed here
make it into so many mainstream sites that it's clear that there's some
kind of linkage there, too.

I've also noticed that over the last few months, the amount of positive,
pro-linux advocacy going on here has increased enormously.  It's almost
as if the advocacy has followed a tipping point, albeit sometime after
the free software did.  I think that many "evangelists" are coming out
of the woodwork now, probably in organisations which didn't even know
that they were there.

I'm expecting to see a huge increase in linux interest now, as a second
wave of innovators turn their talents to the introduction of free
software in environments and use cases not previously considered, and to
expanding on those which have been.

There're still some people who believe that "innovation" is quickest on
proprietary platforms - they've not yet understood the development model
costs, but they will as time goes on.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
To be intoxicated is to feel sophisticated but not be able to say it.

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