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Re: [News] W3Counter for July: Firefox - 25%, Internet Explorer - 67%

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Monday 10 July 2006 13:14 \__

> On Monday 10 July 2006 12:39 Jim wrote:
>>> I dunno what all the fuss is about.
>>> I.E. is clearly better-developed, Version 7 being tested as we speak,
>>> while
>>> FF has only just started testing V2.  FF is clearly playing catch-up, and
>>> losing-out in the innovation stakes...;-)
>>> http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1986382,00.asp
>> rofl! OK, so:
>> tabbed browsing from day 1;
>> activex disabled by default from day 1;
>> RSS integration & live bookmarks from day 1,
>> aren't innovations?
>> What has IE6 got, that's useful, that FF1.5 doesn't have?
>> Version numbers don't make better software.
>> Decent coding does.
>> And no, that does not go hand in hand with 39 billion Dollars in the
>> bank either.
> Heh:-)
> To be (very) serious, I have read several articles which said something
> that
> people such as you and I seem to miss.  The theory is that I.E. might
> *never* be able to catch up.  The key word is Extensions.  Firefox really
> did fire-up people's imagination, and they produce extensions for fun
> (literally *and* in the sense of "a lot").  The theory is that MS never
> can/will spend the money to keep pace.
> True of Thunderbird as well?:-)
Very. I wish I could spend more time with Opera's software. But I depend too
heavily on a plethora of extensions which quite happily live side by side.
Over 20 active extensions in Firefox and over 10 in Thunderbird. Could I
switch Web browser and mail client? The answer must be: it would be
extremely hard. Rendering goodness got me there in the first place. Great
functionality got me locked in. Nothing is adverse to standard, bear in
mind. The lockin is the goodness of the products as they are, function-wise,
once extended to be personalised and increase efficient handling of the task
at hand.

Also see the popular essay (at the time):


Best wishes,


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