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Re: What Hinders Linux Adoption

__/ [ Darth Chaos ] on Monday 10 July 2006 17:17 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Created As Unix, Perfected As Linux?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | ...most users have missed out on any real multi-user, multi-tasking
>> | computing experience.
>> |
>> | Linux just doesn't fit their perceived model of a computer.
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2006-07-07-009-32-OP-CY
>> By the way, LinuxToday got rid of all the Microsoft advertisements and
>> spornsorships last week.
> What hinders Linux adoption? Two words : mainstream media. Linux needs
> a hell of a lot more coverage in the mainstream media. Occasional
> blurbs on Headline News is not enough. If Fox News had any balls, they
> would talk about Linux more often. Fox News had the perfect opportunity
> to mention Linux a few weeks ago on "Studio B with Shepard Smith" when
> Smith talked to somebody about Windows and computer security...and NOT
> ONCE was Linux even mentioned. FNC : Fox News Channel or Fascist
> Neo-Cons?
I very much agree with you (put aside the more redical statements), but the
media will argue that Linux does not appeal to an audience majority, that
they need to make advertisement revenues, yada, yada...

It's a bit of chicken-and-egg, but also never forget that endorsement can be
bought. And in America, this is often the thing work, too. Money makes the
world go round, which makes it difficult for Linux to be seen in the world.
Lastly, Windows users do not /necessarily/ like to be told about Linux.
People don't like change, let alone be told what's good/better for them.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert (MCSE)
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