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Re: [News] Xandros Linux for Peace of Mind

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

>  Xandros Desktop Home Edition 4.0 review
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | As I said in the introduction, this should be the GNU/Linux distribution
> | that you recommend to friends and family when you don't want to spend a
> | lot of time helping them. Xandros is a snap to install and use, and
> | includes a good paper manual and commercial phone and email support,
> | so you can safely absolve yourself of the infuriating string of
> | "how-do-I" questions that computer illiterates sap your time with. If
> | you yourself are looking for a good way out of Windows, Xandros Desktop
> | Home Premium Edition is your ticket to desktop computing happiness.
> `----
>                 http://www.softwareinreview.com/cms/content/view/43/1/

When I was after one for my brother-in-law I hovered between xandros and
linspire for a while. They seemed on paper to be pretty much the same. In
the end I put Linspire on his machine.

He has gotten along with it very well, I had him signup for the Gold member
which gave him access to the commercial software as well as the free stuff.
You get a very genuine discount on the commercial stuff.

He is very happy with it, his wife is happy too because he has gone from a
couch potato to a desk potato, which is apparently a better sort of potato.

I have looked at it myself a couple of weeks after I installed it for him.
The logs show that they hasn't been any major problems. The only thing I
did find were ten badly named files in his user directory. In the lines of,

???@@@__ _$%$Âx?xx

They were empty files from various dates and times and didn't align with
anything in the logs at those times. I had to remove them via nodes.

So I have him looking for those in the hope I can narrow it down to what is
creating them.

But otherwise Linspire has proven to be stable and very easy for a novice to

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