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Re: [News] Choose Windows, Double the Cost of Your PC

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 00:28:14 +0000, Colin Day wrote:

> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> On 18 Jul 2006 17:54:44 GMT, Peter Jensen wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>>>> You can't do everything you could do in Linux.  For example, Paint
>>>> Shop Pro can use any photoshop plug-in available, can the Gimp?  On
>>>> Windows, you can, with pspi, but not Linux.
>>> And I can't add custom patches to Windows and most of its applications.
>>> So what?
>> Sure you can.  Never heard of API hooking?  Never heard of plug-ins and DLL
>> replacements?  if all else fails, you can always use a decompiler or
>> disassembler.  For your own use, there's nothing wrong with that.
> Don't most proprietary products prohibit decompiling?
> Colin Day

I guess he's missed the part of the famous EULA which states that.
Don't worry, most people have never fully it either.

Bobbie the Triple Killer

email Bobbie @ bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx
remember to 'remove this'

Bobbie recently switched to Ubuntu 6.
Why? Cause he can, that's why.

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