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Re: Linux will truly have arrived when...

__/ [ Kier ] on Thursday 08 June 2006 09:43 \__

> On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 06:51:13 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Stephen Fairchild ] on Wednesday 07 June 2006 20:03 \__
>>> I live in hope of spotting a copy of Linux Format alongside Windows XP
>>> magazine on the shelves at my local supermarket.
>> You can download Linux magazines as PDF's nowadays. Why stick to paper
>> form?
> Easy. I can take a magazine to work to read in break-times.

True. Been mentioned before *smile*. It's very dependent upon the person
though. I suppose that with the money saved on magazines over the years, a
PDA could be bought which displays PDF (starts at about GBP 100).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Proprietary cripples communication
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