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Re: Hey Erik....Why Not Launch the Torpedo???????

On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 17:09:09 -0500, Erik Funkenbusch wrote:

> On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 16:37:20 -0500, flatfish+++ wrote:
>> While I'm not a fan of posting private emails in a newsgroup, this one is
>> fairly innocuous to the you and the owner of the picture.
> I am more than willing to forward the email to anyone that wants it.  I
> won't post it publicly, though, since I don't have permission from the
> author.

That is more than enough proof for any reasonable person.

Like I said, I am less concerned about what Roy S did than I am about the
way the Linux community and Roy himself has reacted.

Everyone makes mistakes, but if it were me I would have taken the images
down pending sorting it all out.

Roy didn't.

Navigating his website offers the reason and that reason is that Roy is so
full of himself that he simply can't admit making what is more than likely
an honest mistake.

Personally I think Roy is  wound a bit too tight for normal operation if
you get my drift.

The Linux community backs him up, attacks everyone who disagrees and tries
incessantly to shift the core topic over to something else.

That really says it all IMHO.

Hey, Roy spews his crap all over the Internet, puts up a site and blabs
even more, attacks well known and liked journalists routinely so it's open
season on him.

He gets off on being noticed, which in and of itself is pretty sad.

Personally I think he is an idiot for posting under his real name,
offering a site under his real name and causing grief in other groups
under his real name.

This will all come back to haunt him later when he looks for employment
after he finally quits being a professional student.

Don't think so?

Think again.....

Companies regularly employ firms to do background searches on prospective
employees and some basic internet searching is part of this.

Roy lights up like a Roman Candle on Internet searches.

Good luck getting a job Roy.......

And even if you DO, better watch your co-workers because they will be
looking to dig up dirt on you and believe me, your internet posting
history is more than enough to make people wonder about your mental

Welcome to the real world professional student.........

But then again nobody takes COLA seriously, so excluding your other
endeavors, you might be safe.

"Why do they call it a flatfish?"

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