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Re: [News] Onslaught of Microsoft Security Updates, Some "Critical"

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 04:24:32 +0100
> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Friday 09 June 2006 18:00 \__
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>  wrote
>> on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 05:46:58 +0100
>> <2547125.OFoHr8q0Uv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Bumper crop of Microsoft patches on the way
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Microsoft customers should brace for an onslaught of security updates.
>>> | 
>>> | As part of a monthly patching cycle, the software maker plans to release
>>> | on Tuesday a dozen security bulletins with fixes for flaws. Nine of
>>> | the bulletins address problems in Windows, two relate to Office and
>>> | one to the Exchange e-mail server software.
>>> | 
>>> | At least one of the Windows and one of the Office alerts is deemed
>>> | "critical," Microsoft's highest risk rating, the company said in a
>>> | notice posted on its Web site Thursday.
>>> `----
>>> How long before these "critical" patches include the public beta of Vista?
>>> Same s**t, different version.
>> It's been done before.  The good news: we might not have to pay for the
>> official release. :-)
> How long before you can replace the words "Windows 98 and Windows ME" with
> "Windows 2000 and Windows XP"?
> < http://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archive/2006/06/09/434300.aspx >
> Gist: Windows 98 and Windows ME are too flawed to be fixed.
>>>                         http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6081634.html
> I know what you'll say. Vista Will Fix Everything^tm.


Actually, maybe it will.  Vista might turn into such a
boondoggle that Microsoft will fail over the course of four
years or so as it tries to spend all sorts of Marketing
Money(tm) to salvage what's left of its reputation, only to
see it crash and burn, and Microsoft then declares Chapter
11, restructures itself into a more or less profitable
Office division and completely scraps its OS division,
throwing the source code to Windows into either the public
domain or into a somewhat limited form of Open Source,
which everybody immediately picks over (or WinE swallows).
It then starts working on porting its Office product into
Gtk (better late than never!) and throws that into open
source as well.

(One can hope.)

A more likely scenario, admittedly, is that Microsoft
continues its ways, with Vista and Office selling well
enough to keep it afloat, while Open Source continues to
dominate in the server market and makes inroads into a
new breed of 64- and 128-bit desktops.

HP's already selling RISC desktops.  They're probably
modified RISC servers but wotthehell; I used a PA Risc
on my desk for many years (at my prior employer).  It was
a good little box, if a bit limited by today's standards
graphically (it only had 256 colors).

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because it's time to refresh your hardware.  Trust us.

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