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[News] Linux For Everybody

One Cheap Desktop for All

,----[ Quote ]
| YellowSheepRiver Municator is selling a new Linux-based desktop for
| about $150. Like Nicholas Negroponte's One Laptop per Child project,
| makers of the Municator say they want to banish the digital divide.
| Proprietary operating systems like Microsoft Windows drive up costs
| beyond the reach of most people in China, so the company adopted the
| slogan "Say no to Wintel" and opted for open source. It adapted Linux
| to the Municator's indigenous processor and released the Thinix 3.0
| operating system with a user-friendly interface.
| Initially, YellowSheepRiver will promote the Municator in the rural area
| of western China as well as Southeast Asia, Lin said. The company's goal
| is to sell 500,000 machines this year.


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