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Re: [News] OSWeekly: Windows Vista is the Beginning of the End

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> The Windows Vista Challenge for Microsoft
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Lately, I have been asking myself one question over and again: Is this
> | the end of Microsoft? This burning question came to pass after speaking
> | with a couple different corporate executives. I can safely say the
> | overall consensus is that Windows Vista is too little, too late.
> | 
> | It seems that with Bill Gates stepping down from day-to-day operations
> | and Microsoft evangelist Robert Scoble moving on completely, it does
> | certainly feel like the beginning of the end. Think I am wrong? Try
> | this: Go to YouTube.com, then do a search for "Windows Vista: First
> | of a Kind Features." Watch this video and then explain to me where
> | Microsoft did any sort of innovation whatsoever. Seriously, this is
> | Bill Gates' voice with a demo of the Mac OS being shown in parody.
> | It's pretty sad...
> `----
> http://www.osweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2251

Bill has made his fortune by stealing other people's ideas and then
leveraging his control of the OS to force others out of the market. Now he
is patenting other people's ideas as quickly as he can.

To paraphrase an interview from many years ago, You don't have to be smart
you just have to look in smart people's garbage.


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