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Re: Windows Milks Money for Fixing Self

Colin Day wrote:
> Rex Ballard wrote:
> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> Antivirus Makers Deserve What Microsoft's Serving

> > Will use it's monopoly power to kill off all of it's competitors, even
> > if they offer a superior product.

> But can it afford to kill off security companies?
> What if after killing them off, Microsoft still can't secure Windows?

Microsoft killed of brief with notepad!

Do you actually think Microsoft really cares what happens to the end
users once they have  obtained and secured their monopoly.  All they
have to do is use the shovelware to take the revenue opportunity away
from the competition.

Compare Microsoft's Windows XP.SP/2 Firewallwith I-zone, or any of the
external Linux powered firewall/routers like Netgear, Linksys, or
D-Link.  Remember, when when you count those routers and other
appliances as Linux deployments, there are almost 250 million Linux

This SP/2 firewall disabled so many third party applications that many
companies told their employees not to upgrade to SP/2.  Even when they
did finally permit the upgrade, they had scripts to disable the
Microsoft firewall and re-enable the competitor firewalls.

Network hard drives contain a similar Linux/SAMBA server which can be
protected with Symantec or McAffee antivirus on any client machine.
Perhaps Microsoft wants to undermine this market as well.

For obvious reasons, Microsoft wants, even needs, to maintain it's
ability to maintain a profit margin nearly 4 times those of it's
customers (OEMs and Corporations).  Anything that threatens this
ability must be wiped out of the marketplace using "shovelware" and

If Microsoft does not maintain their revenues and profit margins, the
PE ratios, and other market fundamentals would trigger a massive price
collapse, which would impact pension funds, 401K plans, and insurance
companies.  Worst, it would take Bill Gates off the "Richest Man in the
world" lists, along with Steve Ballmer.

> Colin Day

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