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Re: Schestowitz the Kreskin

  • Subject: Re: Schestowitz the Kreskin
  • From: "Da'Punk-A" <dapunka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 23 Jun 2006 09:05:57 -0700
  • Complaints-to: groups-abuse@google.com
  • In-reply-to: <1251473.8nhKW7cMqV@schestowitz.com>
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  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
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  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1122445
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Da'Punk-A ] on Friday 23 June 2006 16:22 \__
> > John Bailo wrote:
> >> From under the turban of Roy Schestowitz, come these prognostications...
> >>
> >> http://www.schestowitz.com/roy/
> >>
> >> "Currencies
> >>
> >> The Dollar is too weak and I refuse to believe that it will sink to 1.30
> >> against the Euro (as some analysts suggest). It should recover within
> >> the next few months as the international community (hopefully) welcomes
> >> a democratic government. Go democrats!"
> >>
> >> Yeah, we'll elect a Democrat in about...um...two thousand and never 2NVR).
> >
> > John B, I hope you're kidding.  Because if you /want/ a Republican
> > government... oh man, I don't even want to say it.
> In Bailo's defence, based on his previous political posts, he's a Dem. I
> think that by "we", he actually meant "them". It's a rant.

Yeah, rants are kewl.  Ranting is what I was doing too.

Misspelling "cool" is kewl too.

<snips own rant>

> Let's see: data retention, Net neutrality, illegal monopolies find haven...
> all of this comes from  government of technophiles.

> It is amazing to what extent technology is dependent upon politics, through
> legistlation and nepotism

Oh, I know, I know... to take just one of those issues you mentioned...
data retention: in the UK, any organization that retains computerized
information about me has to tell me what it's got about me if I ask.
They can charge me for the info, but they can't keep any of it secret.
That's meant to be so if they've got inaccurate data I can tell them to
correct it.

BUT: any organization worth more than two pennies that I have anything
to do with is likely to have heaps of info about me.  Not just stuff
that I may have told them - organizations share data, they sell it to
each other.  Say I enquire about getting a loan off a loans company.
They will do a credit check on me, get a credit reference that tells
them what I've borrowed in the past, what my repayments were like, if I
was ever refused a loan, why it was refused, what my monthly income is,
how I spend it, who I live with, what size shoe I take, what my
goldfish is called, probably what if any criminal convictions I have,
maybe what if any crimes I've been /suspected/ of... okay, I'm
exaggerating (I hope).  But the fact is, any organization you have
dealings with will either have a heap of info on you or access to that

Like I said, they are supposed to tell you what info they have about
you - IF you ask.  And they're apparently meant to correct inaccuracies
- IF you know of any and IF you ask them to.  Probably, lots of
organizations that you don't even know of, have databases full of info
about you, and most of it could be lies.

When organizations can talk about you like this to each other, when
they can sell info about you to each other, info that could be a pack
of lies, how does that affect your freedom?  Your privacy?  I mean,
come on!

And that's just data retention.

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