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Re: [News] Excel Gets THIRD Exploit

__/ [ Jerry McBride ] on Thursday 22 June 2006 13:46 \__

> BearItAll wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Third Microsoft Excel attack posted
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Excel users have one more reason to worry. On Tuesday, a hacker
>>> | published code that takes advantage of an unpatched flaw in the
>>> | Microsoft spreadsheet software, the third such exploit to be disclosed
>>> | in the past week.
>>> `----
>>> As I said before, this will cease to happen when Excel gets Aero Glass,
>>> so the future looks bright. For OpenOffice.
>> This sort of thing concidering the time Excel has been out, if it has
>> taken hackers this long to find the flaw it must be a real converluted
>> affair. Stand on one leg with your finger in your ear on summer solstis
>> and there is an exploit.
>> I suspect we will have a few of those in Linux.
> Possibly... but the BIG difference is... the linux bug will be fixed when
> discovered.... the windows one? Never...

Precisely. Ubuntu (Canonical) patched their last severe flaw within hours.
It's worth reiterating a recent statement:

Trend Micro: Open source is more secure

,----[ Quote ]
| Antivirus vendor Trend Micro is claiming that open-source software is
| inherently more secure than proprietary software such as Microsoft
| Windows.
| [...]
| Genes said open-source developers "openly talk about security," so
| patches are "immediate--as soon as something happens," whereas
| proprietary vendors with closed code have to rely purely on their
| own resources to push patches out.


Some days ago I read that Trend Micro are opening a new branch in Ireland (or
Scotland). It will employ dozens (or a hudred) employees. The statement
above is this not a case of opportunism, or standing out from the crowd. Let
me check my History....

Found it!


                Trend Micro to create over 100 jobs in Cork

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "In hell, treason is the work of angels"
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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