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Re: Linux Business to Double

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Monday 06 March 2006 07:35 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14155835
>> "According to International Data Corporation, the worldwide Linux business
>> is expected to grow 25.9 per cent annually, doubling from $20 billion in
>> 2005 to more than $40 billion in 2008."
>> Note that /business/ rather than /usage/ is considered here.
> Interesting.
> That would make annual Linux revenues equal to the annual Microsoft
> revenues:
> http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=MSFT&annual

...Only under the false assumption that Microsoft's revenue remains static
until 2008. But this is of course is utter rubbish. The train will wreck
when a certain operating system called Vista gets released in 2006Q4 and
drives customers away. Others will (Vi)stagnate, sticking with 2000 or XP. 

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | $> unzip; ping; mount /usr; grep; umount& sleep
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