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Re: What The General Population Thinks of Linux

__/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Saturday 11 March 2006 15:51 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/55888/index.html
>> Based on a large-scale survey
>> ,----[ Snippets ]
>> |
>> | Is price the only reason for the interest? Unlike the early days when
>> | Linux provided a learning platform for people who couldn't afford UNIX,
>> | price seems the least important reason.
>> |
>> | [...]
>> |
>> | The Apple Macintosh users also had little knowledge of Linux but
>> | indicated extreme prejudice against it.
>> |
>> | [...]
>> |
>> | Windows users voiced dissatisfaction with Windows and said they
>> | primarily "put up" with Windows to use Microsoft Office productivity
>> | tools.
>> |
>> | What about the Microsoft alternative? Again, we saw that as barely
>> | a factor. People just like Linux.
>> |
> So it's a survey done by a Linux magazine that tells us why people like
> Linux so much. Wouldn't you agree that this is about as "fair and
> balanced" as the story over at Microsoft.com that tells us why people
> like Windows so much?

Where in the message did I include the phrase "why people like Linux"? I
found the title to be a misfit, so I only quoted some relevant bits. Lxer is
not the most balanced source though, I agree.

With friendly regards,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
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